Please join Colt Coeur for the award-winning

America V. 2.1
by Stacey Rose
directed by Logan Vaughn
reuniting the entire cast of the 2019 world premiere!

Ansa Akyea, Jordan Barrow, Kalyne Coleman, Peterson Townsend & Peggy Pharr Wilson

Sound design: Luqman Brown
choreography/movement: Kevin Boseman
Stage manager: Norman Anthony Small

The play will be performed live on Saturday, November 21st at 8pm ET and be available to stream until Wednesday, November 25th 11pm ET. A talkback with the cast and creative team will follow the performance. Tickets start at $5 and are available here


This bold, brave, important, timely, and highly relevant story is  a cautionary tale...
If, in the face of recent events, you have uttered the phrase: Wait - WHAT?
If you have thought how can this be happening?
If you wonder how there can be "fine people on both sides"?

If you have asked how did we get here?
If you find yourself pondering if this is what the founders had in mind?
If you think you are "woke"... You should see this play!



America v. 2.1, or the Sad Demise and Eventual Extinction of the American Negro, is a day in the life of a troupe of historical re-enactors charged with telling the tragic story of what was once was the American Negro, a woeful race once featured prominently in the American landscape, but whose time has been extinguished at their own foolish hand. The troupe finds themselves at odds with the state of their own existences while being painfully oblivious to the parallels and intersections their lives draw to that of the very Negroes whose story they are bound to tell. As this oblivion fades and they are faced with their stark reality, this day in the life of actors, becomes a day of reckoning.

(Production still from Barrington Stage Company's 2019 world premiere by Daniel Rader.)